Saturday, February 24, 2007

Copy Cat IV

How could I hog all this information about myself and not share it? So here it is:

Favorite book?
It's hard to choose just one. Who Says Elephant Can't Dance , a business memoir, is amongst the top five though
Favourite CD? It has to be one of the Beyond albums. Tough to choose just one though.

Favorite website? Google. All my favorites can be found there.
Favourite hot drink? Apple Cider

Favorite cold drink? Coca Cola
Favorite supper food (main dish)? Seafood, lamb
Favorite vegetable? veget... what?
Favourite lunch food? anything hot. I like a hot lunch.
Favorite breakfast food? well, I don't usually eat breakfast (bad, I know)
Favourite snack food (sweet)? I am not really a snacker. My favorite candy has to be Almond Roca; Orange KitKat is a close second
Favorite snack food (salty)? Mix nuts.
Favorite ethnic food? Chinese food isn't really an ethnic food for me (sorry). I'd say East Indian -- love the spices.
Favourite sport (to play)? Computification
Favorite sport (to watch)? It's a toss up between NBA basket ball and NHL hockey
Favourite season? Spring
Favorite toy as a child? Now, you are really testing my memory... burning stuff?
Favourite vacation spot? Anywhere with Dayna. <- (the "period" should be pronounced)
Favorite ice cream flavor? Rum Raisin
Favorite smell? Smell of a rainy day
Favourite car? Porsche 911, turbo charged preferred

Favorite flower? Didn't have one, but it is daisy now
Favorite perfume? Clinique Happy because it is Dayna's favorite, and it reminds me of her. Unfortunately, I get a little sniffy sometimes
Favorite item of clothing? Any nice, casual, buttoned-up long sleeve shirt that I can wear with a pair of jeans
Favourite "board" game? Does a teeter-totter count as a "board" game?

Favorite quote? "I thot I thaw a putty tat!"


Keri's Collage... said...

I like a hot lunch too :)

Anonymous said...

Here I was, reading through this list of yours, Karl, assuming that it was Dayna writing. I found myself thinking that she sure seems to have more in common with you than I remembered, then realized it was from you. It made me laugh!

Karl Chu said...

Ha! It's not the first time this happened. That's probably because I don't blog enough :P People naturally think the blogger was Dayna.