Friday, February 02, 2007

January in an nutshell...

January in a picasa proverbial nutshell...

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  1. It turns out they not only sell samosas at 7/11 in Abbotsford, but at the airport cafe too... this one had some bite! mmmm...
  2. I have a friend named Dunn. Never heard the name before I met him this fall, now it's up in lights! Check out his blog, especially if you like Calvin & Hobbes,
  3. Chicago airport McDonald's. Cheater picture, it's actually from December. This little express McDonald's had 25 staff behind that counter... elbow to elbow. 25! The one in the orange vest is directing the crowd... she's number 26. I'd be vying for that position, lemme tell ya!
  4. The TWU guest parking sign is meant to be inspiration for my colleagues. I have been on a lot of your properties lately... this is the type of welcome you would like your guests to receive... if the first sign that folks see on your property is, "PRIVATE PARKING! VIOLATORS WILL BE PROSECUTED," (you may or may not know who you are... go out front and check your property because there are more than one of you!), you may want to rethink your strategy. More on this at the CHEC blog
  5. A little lighthouse from the deck of the BC Ferry last Tuesday, a gorgeous day for a ferry ride! (They also served indian food on the ferry. I had butter chicken and naan with mango chutney... not much bite to it, but it was acceptable...)
  6. Me, Melanie O., and Chris R. out for supper after an all-day CCUFairs Advisory Team meeting.
  7. My new haircut!
  8. The view over Surrey of the mountains from my room at the Sheraton (you've gotta try hotwire for your next trip! Thanks for the tip Tim K.!)
  9. Craig M. and Tim B. at said CCUFairs meeting.
I will likely have another "nutshell post" for February, as I will be in Manitoba, North Carolina, and Ontario before the month is through!

Okay, I want to visit some cool cafes and restaurants... anybody have a "best kept secret" in your town in Winnipeg area, Charlotte/Mooresville area, or southern ON? Lemme hear it!


Kori's House said...

You cut your hair?? or are you tricking is?!?

Dayna Chu said...

Kori, I inadvertently posted the collage from picasa before I got a chance to comment on the post... didn't mean to trick ya :) Yep, got it cut off... It's looking flat in this pic, I kind of round brush it 'over' at the top layer and 'under' (flipped up) at the bottom. Pretty easy to do, I'm happy with it.

Anonymous said...

cool cafes and Charlotte/Mooresville...I'll see what I can do! Are you craving spicy or what? Your post listed 2 or 3 things about spicy food! We'll find something but you can bet it won't be Indian food! I'm going to a coffee house in Charlotte tonight called "The Smelly Cat", only because a friend is playing an acoustic concert there, otherwise the name would have turned me off from ever trying it. Why would anyone name a coffee house that???

Dayna Chu said...

You don't watch much TV, do you Melissa? It's from a famous FRIENDS episode(s), where Phoebe made up a song called "Smelly Cat" (as an acoustic concert). Here ... (

Anyway, I guess maybe I was craving spicy food. Never really thought of it... I know that I have never been too fond of guzzling entire glassfuls of milk, and I have been doing a lot of that lately...

Stacey Sparshu Miller said...

Sounds - and looks - like you've had a busy month! I can't wait to hear more stories...and see the haircut for live. It looks great! Wish I could have joined you! Catch up with you soon!

Glad you got the details up to match the pictures now...a whole new perspective when you know what's going on :)

Stephen said...

Just a word about Hotwire. It's not always a wonderful experience. I got stuck in a dumpy Radission in downtown Saskatoon last time I used it. The room never warmed up, no continental breafast and someone was evicted at 2:00am from my floor on my last nights stay. Gotta be on your guard, but others have had great success.

Dayna Chu said...

yyechh... that's rotten Stephen. Did it show up as a 3 star? I have pretty much ruled out anything lower than 3. I stayed at a Howard Johnson in Victoria booked on hotwire that was rated 2.5 stars... it wasn't terribly sketchy, but it wasn't exactly nice. Mind you, the night before, I had been at the PanPacific (Vancouver), so maybe I was just being a hotel snob?

Tim Kantel said...

I'd better chime in on the Hotwire thing...I just got back from a few days away and used Hotwire again with great success. I had one night at a Sheraton Four Points and two and a Marriot Courtyard. All extremely comfortable and reasonably priced.

I understand what you're saying though Stephen about the bad hotel. I've used hotwire now maybe 20-25 times and had one or two bad ones. No more than that though. I've found it actually works the best if you travel to the same areas a lot of times like I do. I do a lot of work in the GTA and am now starting to recognize some of the listings by price, star rating and location even though I don't know the name.

Taking the chance though in new area is a bit scary but for me it's paid off almost all the time with a great hotel at a great price.

I think you guys have more fun in the west. I was talking about this with Bryan at a conference we were at over the weekend.