Tuesday, February 13, 2007

I tot I taw a ice cweam cake!

Happy Valentine's Day!

Last night my Mom and Trent came by with a special surprise for us! At the risk of teasing Karl too much about his lack of Looney Toons knowledge, they brought us a Tweety Valentine's DQ ice cream cake. When I lived with mom and Trent, I added "DQ Ice Cream Cake" to the grocery list pretty well every chance I got (as well as "light bulbs" just to bug Trent... he bought them several times before he realized it was a joke... it was a long time before we had a dark room!).

Anyway, Mom also presented me with a red gift bag, flowing with heart speckled tissue paper. Hmm, it's heavy! I peek in to find ...a jar of pickles! Just to help with the cravings :) Well, if nothing else it sure made me laugh!

Speaking of cravings, they have been few and far between, thankfully... I say with all the wisdom of my 12 weeks of experience! Belly shots coming soon (not much to show yet, baby's about the size of a peach supposedly! But that peach is making the pants fit tight...) I may get to hear the heart beat on Friday at my regular appointment.

Here's a little St. Valentine history for you to peruse as you bless or curse this day. It seems it's all or nothing doesn't it? For the record, I've always loved it... even when I was single. I used to host ROTIC nights with friends (roMANtic without the "man") and indulge in chick flicks and chocolate. Good times (better now...).

What are your Valentine's Day plans?


Keri's Collage... said...

I love the lightbulb story!! I could go for some DQ cake right now :)

Rachel said...

I'd also love a piece! No special plans as both my kids have 'stuff' today. Choir and Wee College...takes up a lot of time. I will try and make a special dinner and dessert though!
I've never been big on Valentine's...not that I'm kill joy but my hubby makes me feel really loved all the time...not just on Feb 14th!

Kori's House said...

oops... had to read the 'ROTIC' a couple times!! Add another letter and we all might be starting to wonder about you :)

Love the cake, I wonder if it's too late to start adding things to my mom's grocery list!

Dayna Chu said...

HA! I guess it translates better verbally...