Saturday, September 16, 2006

The Blank Stare

I got it again... the blank stare.

Karl and I were driving to a wedding last night and the vehicle in front of us had one of those personalized license plates that read, "Gwamma."

This, OF COURSE, made me think of the old granny from Tweety & Sylvester, so when Karl pointed out the license plate, I said, "I tawt I taw a puddy tat!"

Blank stare.

So I briefly explained it to him as being from that cartoon.

Then today it came up again, and I said, "I have to blog that..."
and he said... "I still don't know what you're even saying..."
Which cracked me up even more, so I had to blog that too.

And, now I'm off to do my mystery shopper evaluations. Yes, they make you work hard for that $150 and free sushi lunch!

1 comment:

Kori's House said...

At first I didn't 'get' this post... then I realized I was on your blog, I thought I had clicked a link for someone else and I thought, how odd...
ok, I am blonde, and overtired :)