Tuesday, January 23, 2007


I'm alive and well in Abbotsford... I always say you know you're in Abbotsford when you can buy a samosa at 7/11. Karl always laughs when I say that, because it reminds him of going to 7/11 in Hong Kong after school some days and getting Dim Sum. And I'm not kidding.

Other ways to know you're in BC:When did all the roundabouts show up in Abbotsford? Wow. They're everywhere now. Okay, maybe I only saw 2 or 3, but they're double-laners and everything. Don't get me wrong, I think they're great... but maybe they need to run everyone through their license tests again or something? Seemed like nobody could really "get it..." or is it just me?

Anyway, I am out here doing some promotions for the ccufairs. I will hit Missionsfest on the weekend and then head for the island for a couple of days. Making the most of my pre-maternity-leave time.

Speaking of maternity... All is going well! I had a couple of weeks of battling major fatigue... lots of afternoon naps. It seems to be easing up a bit, and I only had a few minor queasy days. I'm in the awkward "getting-bigger-but-not-big-enough-for-maternity-clothes" stage. I had to buy a couple of pairs of dress pants for this trip, since my "normal" ones pinch too tight now. All for a good cause right :)

I got to have a Legendary Triple-O burger for supper (one of my old favourites since we didn't used to have White Spot in Calgary). Maybe tomorrow I will get a 7/11 Samosa...


Keri's Collage... said...

Welcome to Abbotsford!! I didn't know we had round-a-bouts! Yikes!!
Ok, so there is a mini one about a block away, but I haven't seen any big double lane ones!!

Dayna Chu said...

Yep, I only remember where I was for one of them, Mt. Lehman Road (where the new overpass work is done). The other one was... around "Cardinal" and "Blue Jay" or something I think.

Unknown said...

Glad to hear you're not too queasy! My sis-in-law had the same deal, with little morning sickness but she felt sapped of any energy. It was all going to this little peanut-sized being in her belly!

Kori's House said...

Bummer you are in town and my entire family had/has the flu!!

We could have done coffee but you do not want to get sick :(

Maybe if we are all feeling better by the weekend we will come out to Missionsfest! If you don't see us you will probably see Donkers :)

Dayna Chu said...

Kori, I actually went by Summit. Dan Donkers showed me Roger's office (but now I know why he wasn't around!) Next time I will email in advance and we can do coffee (or cheesecake?!)

Anonymous said...

Hi, Dayna. Glad to hear your trip is going well but looking forward to having you back in Calgary.

By the way, what the heck is a "Legendary Triple-O burger"?

Kori's House said...

I actually brought Roger to work this afternoon so he could quickly do the payroll.That's one thing he couldn't miss!!

Nextime Cheesecake for sure!!