Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Thank You!

Thank you everyone, for your words of blessings and congratulations. It's been a great journey so far!

FYI, the picture in the announcement (with the question mark) is Karl :)

It was fun to tell our families, especially Karl's mom, Betty. This coming Chinese New Year is the year of the pig; "pig" in Cantonese is the same word as "Chu." We wrapped up a pig stuffed animal and gave it to Betty in a gift bag. Karl said, in Cantonese, "Mom, here's a baby Chu [pig] for you!" As she was opening it, and she responded, in Cantonese "Now I want a real baby Chu for Chinese New Year!" So Karl said, "Okay, we're giving you a real baby Chu too!" The conversation was a bit lengthier, as Karl convinced his mom that he really meant, yes, a real baby. He said, "We need another red envelope this year!" and she laughed. With a wink, she said if we have two babies we could have two more red envelopes this year, so we said we would see what we could do about that!

I gave my mom a "Grandparents Magazine" that she had given me as a joke before our wedding. I still had the same copy, it was funny to give it to her dated Nov/Dec 2003.

We're not sure of the gender or the exact due date as yet, but Karl had an interesting dream a couple of years ago... we will see if it comes true!

I was pondering whether to start a new blog for baby stuff. I was thinking... is our current blog going to become a "baby blog?" and then thought, well, our current life is going to become a "baby life," so we may as well start here!

So, the first Chu baby gender contest... will baby Chu be a boy or a girl?
There's huge prizes at stake here...
which means I need to narrow the pool of winners...
Okay: Gender, birth date, and weight
your answers will all be here in virtual black & white... the closest guess wins
Dinner for two in Tuscany*!
(*Tuscany Valley Green that is... travel costs not included...date negotiable)


Anonymous said...

I'm going to bet on Karl.

September 2nd.
Since it will be by caesarean, I'm guessing he'll be a hefty little fellow. So....
12 pounds.
My sincerest apologies if he actually weighs that much.

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, congratulations!

Kori's House said...

Sep 2nd
8lbs 2 oz

Sorry... how can we stray off Karl's dream?

what I would really like to guess is
Sep 4th
7 lbs 9oz

Anonymous said...

Just a random guess....

7lbs 8oz
Sept 3/07

Anonymous said...

Here's my guess:

A Boy.
Sept 2nd
6lbs 3oz

AND A Girl.
Sept 2nd
5lbs 9oz

Anonymous said...

Those of us that believe in "Old Wives' Tales" need to wait a little longer, to see how high your carrying or how low before we can make an educated guess as to what it will be!

And Melissa, you and Dayna weighed 6 lb. 1 oz., not 6 lb. 3 oz., but you were right with your weight at 5 lb. 9 oz.

Dayna, since you're just having one, I'd recommend that you strive for a lower birth weight than you two were, combined.

: )

Love you!