I nearly gave my poor husband a heart attack yesterday. He thought some horrible combination of my hormones and my extrovertitis (a disease wherein an extrovert does not know when to be quiet...aka foot-in-mouth-disease) had finally met where the two should never meet...
It was a gorgeous day, so we decided to walk to the grocery store to pick up a couple of things. We were walking up the street, and a biggish truck with a biggish guy slows down and starts to pull into the alley about a half a block ahead of us. Then, he changes his mind, reverses into the middle of the street, and pulls forward instead, continuing past us. As he does this, I kind of mumbled something to Karl like, "what is that guy doing?"
As the biggish guy in the biggish truck passes us, I yell to the open window, "STU..."
At this point, Karl sees his life flash before his eyes, thinking that I am going to yell, "STUPID!" at the biggish guy... but actually, I stopped at Stu. His name. Stu. I know him from when I worked at Rocky Mountain College... much to Karl's relief.
So, rather than being pummelled, Karl was introduced, as I explained my protruding belly and Stu explained the ring on his wedding finger and we went on our amiable ways (you coulda' taken him out though, right honey?).
Another day, another adventure!