Monday, February 12, 2007

Copy Cat III

I'm copying Melissa, who sort of copied Keri who copied Rachel ... Here's my "Favorites" list. The answers are a little faster & easier than Keri and Rachel's, and it still says a lot about me (the surface things anyway!) Maybe Karl will post a list too?!

Favorite book?
Currently: "Baby Wise" and "Baby Proofing Your Marriage"
Favourite CD? Currently: Caedmon's Call; In the Company of Angels II the world will sing

Favorite website? Babyzone, What to Expect, Recipezaar
Favourite hot drink? St. Arbucks Latte (as a treat) or Tim Horton's brewed at home (daily necessity!)

Favorite cold drink? Diet Coke when not pregnant... currently: MILK!
Favorite supper food (main dish)? Seafood
Favorite vegetable? Is chocolate a vegtable?
Favourite lunch food? instant noodles... the true blue kind that come with their own little packet of sesame oil (Nissin)
Favorite breakfast food? cereal... apple cinnamon cheerios or honey nut cheerios
Favourite snack food (sweet)? Chocolate! Ferrero Roche, Almond Rocha, Caramilk, or my new favourite: Chris & Larry's Chocolate Clodhoppers
Favorite snack food (salty)? Mrs. Vicky's Salt & Vinegar Chips; Kettle Corn microwave popcorn (kind of a sweet and salty...)
Favorite ethnic food? You need to ask? Authentic Chinese of course... preferably prepared by Karl and/or his mom!
Favourite sport (to play)? Soccer
Favorite sport (to watch)? Hockey
Favourite season? Summer
Favorite toy as a child? Probably my wooden model dinosaurs for a while... then maybe cabbage patch kids?
Favourite vacation spot? Anywhere with my hubby! (anywhere WARM with my hubby)... So far the cabin at Kootney Lake comes a close second to San Francisco, if it counts to list somewhere you're planning to go!
Favorite ice cream flavor? Rolo
Favorite smell? Hubby's aftershave
Favourite car? Lexus SUV

Favorite flower? Daisy
Favorite perfume? Clinique Happy
Favorite item of clothing? Currently: Lululemon "reverse groove" yoga pants
Favourite "board" game? Pit, Catch Phrase

Favorite quote? Isaiah 40:31,
those who hope in the Lord
will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles;
they will run and not grow weary,
they will walk and not be faint.


Stacey Sparshu Miller said...

Ooohhhh fun...I think I might need to be copy cat IV...wait till lunch time though...i'm supposed to be working now...

Rachel said...

That made me kinda hungry!

Dayna Chu said...

I know eh? Melissa's made my mouth water...