Saturday, November 18, 2006

Five things that happened while I was on my road trip: Part I

  1. Fynthia and Finnigan recovered
  2. My sister and her husband went on a Carribean cruise to celebrate their 10th Anniversary
  3. I ate the best chocolate pecan pie and drank the best latte of my life at "Oh So Good Cafe" in Ottawa thanks to a local tour guide (it was awesome Tim K!)
  4. I drank a lot of starbucks... now affectionately called "St. Arbucks" by the participants on the CCUfairs Ontario
  5. two words: new scarf

1 comment:

Kori's House said...

1. Good News!
2. Lucky Bums!!
3. Yummy!!!
4. It's not Tim's but it'll do :)
5. Love it!!!!!

**Miss your posts when you are on the road - no offence Karl :)