Saturday, November 25, 2006

domestic diva

With a blazing high of minus 21 today, I decided to start some Christmas baking...

Lemon Poppyseed mini coffee cakes

The first step of chocolate caramel pecan squaresGood ol' fashioned sugar cookies (to be decorated...)

and of course... the flop... affectionately known as the "I'm-sure-they'll-taste-just-great-honey" -chocolate-mocha-merangues. And it's a good thing they do taste great, because nobody will be receiving this batch!

-Martha: over and out (or mostly just over?)


Unknown said...

I'd eat any of those! Yum! Except I would need to wait until I lose about 10 pounds following Thanksgiving (US).

Glad to know you're home after the eastern swing!

Kori's House said...

WoW! You went crazy!! That makes me want to bake right now! It is officially snowing at my house. I have been waiting for this for over a year ;)
I did Bake an Apple Crumble tonight because it felt like the right thing to do... and then we ate it, YUM!

Anonymous said...

YUM! Do we get any??? :) Or maybe you can just put your baking diva hat on when you get here and bake us some fresh stuff? Can't wait until Christmas! Looks very yummy and I would eat the chocolate mocha merangues no matter how they looked!

Stacey Sparshu Miller said...

Can I at least try the mocha meringues before we declare them a flop? Looks aren't everything you know!

Dayna Chu said...

Okay Farm Girl, you may be able to handle them... since they *do* look like they came from the farm... something you would step in at the farm mind you, but from the farm none the less!

Stacey Sparshu Miller said...

It's I said, looks aren't everything...remind me to tell you a story about a desert called "Cloud nine" sometime...same sort of farm situation!

Rachel said...

Great looking baking Dayna!