Friday, July 07, 2006


ten good things about turning thirty...
  1. perspective
  2. thirty is not too old to wear bright pink toe nail polish (thanks Kori & Keri!)
  3. thirty *is* too old to wear mini skirts
  4. "twenty-something" is just so overdone, isn't it?
  5. having a twin to share it with (Happy Birthday Melissa!)
  6. being the younger twin (tee hee)
  7. learning that hard work pays off
  8. when you wear pearls, people don't assume they're fake (thank you for the pearls Mom!)
  9. looking back: driver's license, high school grad, australia, college grad, europe, wedding, mortgage, university grad, asia...
  10. looking forward: ahhh... all yet to be seen. carpe cakem! (sieze the cake...)

Although, if I was turning thirty next year rather than this year, my birthday would have been 7/7/77... pretty cool. At least though, with 7/7, I don't have to check the order of month and day when filling out forms... why hasn't somebody standardized that?

O Happy Day!


Anonymous said...

Ha! Love #10, you're hilarious! You got bright pink polish too? Sweet! We'll have to have matching toes when I come! 20 days...:)

Kori's House said...

Happy Birthday Dayna... enjoy the polish, but please don't wear it on your fingernails :)

Happy Birthday Melissa, wish I could be seeing you in 20 days :(

Anonymous said...

Nice idea with this site its better than most of the rubbish I come across.