Wednesday, August 08, 2007


Ladies and Gentleman: we have... A BELLY BUTTON! Caleb's umbilical cord fell off two days ago (day 11).
In other news, Caleb often seems to wiggle one or both arms free from his swaddle and likes to sleep with his arms straight above his head. My mom says I used to do this as well.We had a doctor's appointment yesterday, and things are going well. Caleb is back to his birth weight, and is now 5lbs 6.5oz (up from 4 lbs 13.5oz). He's eating well except for the odd spit up here and there; this morning it was a full out barf of most of his bottle... spraying out his nostrils and mouth, all over mommy, down my shirt and everything. This instigated his first bath at home (I had to wait until his umbilical cord fell off). 4 receiving blankets, 3 wash clothes, 1 bath towel, 1 spray from Mr. Jr. Fire Chief and 1 screaming baby later he was all sparkling clean! No pictures... kinda had my hands full and didn't really think about it until later. It was rather uninspiring anyway! Maybe next time.

Off to do laundry!


Karl Chu said...

It was a full three-stream vomit projectile going straight for Dayna. Poor little gaffer... and poor Dayna.

Anonymous said...

Love the pics. Both Joel and Alisha always "wiggled free" too, and to this day still sleep with their arms over their heads. :)

Dayna Chu said...

Actually, to this day, *I* still sleep with my arms over my head... it's so nice to be able to sleep on my back again now that Caleb is no longer pinching my major veins and making my arms go numb when I was on my back when I was pregnant!