Sunday, August 26, 2007

One Month!

Caleb’s Mama and Yeye (Karl’s folks) brought over a lysee (red envelope), some red dyed eggs, roasted pig, and fruit today in celebration of Caleb’s official One Month birthday. Below is an explanation of this tradition, in which we, the parents, are to give out red eggs to friends and family. We will, in fact, be doing this in a couple of weeks when we host the One Month Celebration party at a local restaurant. There is quite an elaborate menu, much like a wedding celebration, that I will blog about next time!
"In Chinese culture, a baby's first month birthday calls for a celebration. Proud parents introduce their latest addition to friends and relatives by holding a red egg and ginger party. Traditionally, the baby's name is also announced at this time.

"Guests attending red egg and ginger parties bring gifts. Lysee or "lucky money" in red envelopes is often given to baby boys, while girls may receive expensive jewelry. The guests don't leave empty handed, either. The parents hand out red-dyed eggs, symbolizing happiness and the renewal of life. [Red eggs are chosen as gifts because they are the symbol of fertility, the changing process of life, and their round shape is the symbol of harmonious and happy life. They are made red because red color is a sign of happiness in Chinese culture (reference).]

"Red egg and ginger parties have their origins in ancient Chinese culture. As in other countries, infant mortality rates in China were quite high prior to the medical advances of the twentieth century. A baby who reached one month of age was likely to survive, and so the event was celebrated.

"In the past, due to the traditional importance of male children in Chinese culture, red egg and ginger parties were sometimes given for boys only, or the celebration for boys was more elaborate. Today, parties are given for babies of both sexes.

"In recent years, some of the traditions surrounding red egg and ginger parties have been modified. Parents may choose to hold the celebration at a fancy restaurant, complete with costumed Chinese performers or even a children's magician. Also, the baby may be anywhere from one to three months old by the time the party is held. But the custom of passing out red-dyed eggs continues. Parents may also use the brightly colored eggs to announce the birth; an even number of eggs are sent out for a boy, and an odd number to announce a baby girl." REFERENCE

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy One Month Birthday Caleb! Someone asked me yesterday how old Caleb was and I realized the date and said, One Month exactly! The picture of him in the middle bottom looks just like you Dayna! Must be the wide eyes but his little mouth looks like yours too. Can't wait to meet him in person!