Sunday, June 03, 2007

Ah, nothing like the downpour of a thunderstorm after a few hot days (I know you BC folks may beg to differ, but we like it). Karl finished mowing the lawn merely minutes before it started raining... perfect timing.

Yesterday I did a bit of garage sale-ing and got a new jogging stroller. Not that I'm a jogger... but it will be good for walks on the paths around our place. I am also looking at what to get by way of our 'real stroller' ... from online reviews it looks like looking for light but sturdy is the way to go... plus parent cupholders and lots of parcel storage? It seems like some of these reviewers are asking a lot though... The dilemma for me is whether to go with a double/tandem right away, or wait until we actually have 2 kids...

Here's our $40 steal (the closest rendition I could find, too lazy to take a pic myself!) the best part being that the seat adjusts so that the baby can face you too):
At the same garage sale, I picked up an infant bathing tub with a fabric-holder-insert thing, a pile of receiving blankets and hooded towels, and a couple of books. Where on earth are we going to put everything? By the time Baby Chu arrives, his room will be overflowing!

Making supper now, maybe more later :)


Keri's Collage... said...

Looks like you hit the jackpot at that garage sale!
Stroller advice...get a single stroller for now. The Graco's seem to be the lightest and have everything you are looking for!

Kori's House said...

what a great find!!

Any belly pictures coming our way???

Dayna Chu said...

Keri, thanks, I will look into that.

Kori... Karl and I served communion yesterday and it looks like one of the ministry leaders posted some pics on his facebook... I'll see about posting them later here (I was surprised at the size of my own belly!)...