Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Weekly Awards

I call them weekly awards... a friend/colleague/fellow blogger of mine calls this kind of post "the junk drawer": kind of odds and ends piling together in a single post. We've had a busy week and have a couple more busy ones coming, so I suspect you may have a series coming.

Comic of the Week:
Holiday of the Week: Father's Day. It wasn't as bad as I anticipated, being the first one after my dad died. It was great to focus on Karl's new role as dad, and we had friends in town with a three year old girl, so that was cute too. Us gals made the guys waffles for breakfast before church, and I got Karl a dad-sized shirt that says "V 1.0" on it and a baby sized shirt that says "V 2.0" ... computer guy humour. No pics until Baby Chu gets to be the model! That night we went for a barbecue at my Step-Dad (of nearly 15 years) and Mom's house, so it was great to celebrate with them too, because Trent means a lot to me.

Visitors of the Week: Our good friends the Schafers; Rich was the best man at our wedding and Melanie was one of my bridesmaids. Sophie was just barely "along for the ride" at that time in mommy's tummy!Martha Stewart of the Week: Jane Kruger! I went for a visit to pick up some of her amazing Stampin' Up! cards, and she had this gorgeous Dahlia in one of her pots:

"No Kidding?!" moment of the Week: Finding out that the biggest brand of "duct" tape is actually "DUCK" tape. My husband is a genius.

"I Know a Celebrity" of the Week: My brother-in-law! An author! Check it out on Amazon

Baffled-but-won't-ask-out-loud of the Week: Handicapped urinal? But I know what you're asking out loud, the answer is Karl took the picture :)

Last but not least...
Baby Chu Update of the Week! I am officially at the 10 week countdown... Baby Chu is kicking up a storm and already waking me up for early morning feedings... usually at 4:30am. Overall, things are still going great... Here are two belly shots from a couple of weeks ago (bad hair day) at church serving communion with Karl:

Funny enough, the shirt is not even maternity... I am pretty lucky with the acceptable style right now! Baby-doll shirts and LONG t-shirts. Perfect!


Kori's House said...

Love your 'Junk Drawer' :)

Anonymous said...

Me too