Wednesday, June 06, 2007

crazy storm

We had some crazy thunder, lightning and flooding in Calgary last night. I took some videos, but they don't really do it justice. At lunch today I told my friend Stacey that we didn't have the usual volume from the frogs in the pond across the street from us and she said, "you know it's bad when the frogs are drowning!"

Here are some other photos... one of a house that got struck by lightning in my neighbourhood (Tuscany) just across the way from us... I could smell smoke and Karl was checking our basement to see if something had shorted out down there... but it wasn't us!

(I didn't take these photos they were emailed to me, I am unsure of the original source...)

Lightning in Tuscany:

Flooding on Glenmore:

Other flooding:

I can see how the first car got into the depths, conceivable not knowing just how deep the water was... It does kind of make me wonder why the others followed...

Anyway, the forecast is for sun tomorrow! Hopefully sunny for Karl's 35th birthday on Saturday :) Banff here we come!


Stephen said...

Not to be gross but the frogs probably got baked by the lightening. That'd be my guess anyway.

Too bad you don't own a restaraunt you would have had frog legs on the menu until christmas.

Kori's House said...

I am not sure how I missed this post!!
CRAZY weather!! Maybe that was the flooding we were supposed to get :)