Saturday, January 05, 2008

Pre-spring Clean-up

Oh the joy of basement renos! It forces us to have a pre-spring clean-up. As Dayna had said before, I am amazed at some of the stuff that I still have... does that qualify me as a pack rat? Anyhow, when I was in high school in Hong Kong, we have physical education classes; but unlike it here in Canada, we have uniforms for those classes... and here it is:

As you can imagine, having phys-ed classes in 30°C+ weather would make for a very sweaty t-shirt after class. Packing it around for another half-a-day in our small yet fashionable backpacks would go against our teenager instinct to attract the opposite sex. Being a bunch of rascals that we were, we would wash our uniform in the bathroom before packing it; but that presents another problem: mixing of moisture and hand-written assignments (remember, this was in the 80's). As such, we came up with an ingenious solution of pinning up our shirts on the bulletin board in the back of the classroom, so that they will dry before we pack them in our bags. You can see in this picture some of the pin holes on the shoulder of the shirt.

In any case, in the same pile of old clothings, I also found the shirt of my scout uniform (my stories in Hong Kong seemed to revolve around uniforms). Unfortunately, I don't think I have my necker (Scout scarf) anymore.

I wasn't a very accomplished scout, evidenced by the scarcely decorated left sleeve. On the right-sleeve, the middle is the "Hong Kong Island East" district badge. The top badge is the "40th Group" badge. This particular group will be somewhat historic as "St. Margaret's College"does not exist anymore because the Catholic school board had decided to close down the school and the building has been demolished. When Dayna and I went to Hong Kong back in March/April 2006, I missed the reunion held there by a mere few days.

At any rate, that's it for now. I am sure we will find more interesting things as we dig through our boxes.


Kori's House said...

This is fun! Can't wait to see what you find next :)

Anonymous said...

it can't imagine you can kept it over 20 yrs and still fit on your body

Anonymous said...

forgot to leave my name on the above message. Janet

Keri's Collage... said...

I had the same thought as Janet! 20 years later and it's not even snug? Good for you! Hmmm...I wonder if it has anything to do with the fact that you weren't introduced to "k.d." until the last few years :)

Karl Chu said...

Well, the gym t-shirt fitted quite loosely 20 years ago. The scout uniform, on the other hand, is quite snug, you just can't really tell in the picture :)