Saturday, May 05, 2007

Some Things to CHU on...

Does anybody do that "cook for a day, eat for a month" menu planning? Well, we did it quite regularly for a while, then hit a bit of rut, then I started working a second job and we got pretty frustrated with the daily meal decision with both of us working so much.

So, we went back to the cook-for-a-day plan... and combined it with a pre-purchase meal plan from make-or-take meals.

One of the projects of the day was mass onion chopping. Karl had a strategy (of course!):
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We're set until the end of July now! We made enough meals for lunches and suppers for over 2 months... most of which will be supplemented with salads, veggies, pasta, rice, etc on the night of preparation (the rest will be alternated with the make-or-take meals). AAhhh, it feels so awesome to have a plan... half the battle is figuring out what to have each day, not necessarily how to make it or getting the groceries.

I did so much grocery shopping yesterday, I literally had to make 2 trips through the grocery store, through the line, and out to the car. Luckily my arrival home coincided with Karl getting home from work, so he got to haul everything in!

One of the treats I picked up yesterday was strawberries... yum! Karl made the best crepes in the universe for supper tonight, and a gorgeous strawberry syrup.

We added whipped cream too, but then ate it too fast to get a photo ;)

And I made some Strawberry Bread... think banana bread... but ditch the bananas and use strawberries. I can't wait to taste it; it's cooling now.

We had a busy weekend last weekend, but hadn't posted photos yet, here are a few.
We went to Rosebud Dinner Theatre on Friday, out to Bragg Creek and Okotoks with Mom & Trent on Saturday for lunch (no pics :( ) and for supper with K's fam. We had some pretty strange food at supper, but I am past the point of it being appropriate to take photos at supper
(I guess it wouldn't be too rude, but since we've been married for over three years, I'm trying to 'blend' more... or something? The blondeness keeps me from blending too well I suppose!). Maybe cow's tongue and some intestine-like things were the strangest this time.

Well, I'm blogged out for now, as you likely are reading this long post. Maybe tomorrow I will get some pictures of the strawberry loaf, if there's any left! One last sentiment:

Go Ottawa Programmers! Our last Canadian hope!


Rachel said...

I truly admire your determination in planning ahead for two month's worth of meals. You're brilliant!
I love your hubby's mask for onion duty...hilarious!

Dayna Chu said...

He's so great, I was like, "hold that pose! This is so blogworthy!" And he let me :)

Thanks for the compliment. It was pretty hard work (and Karl did half!), but it is always worth it in the long run! Today our spontaneous sides took over and we ate out for lunch before doing an Ikea run :)

Keri's Collage... said...

That is awesome! To think that I get excited when I have left-overs in the fridge :)

Tim Kantel said...

Go Programmers!!!!

Unknown said...

Wow, I thought 2 weeks was ambitious! Good job!