Sunday, October 29, 2006

True Pacman Fan

So, as it turns out, I've been a Pacman fan from the very beginning! I was cleaning out some boxes in my basement and found this drawing that I did when I was 6...


Anonymous said...

Now THAT is HILARIOUS! Not to mention the fact that *I* was just going through my stuff from when I was a child and found some amusing drawings etc. "Me and Dayna lick red wagons!" (For other readers out there, it was supposed to read 'LIKE' and this has since been a family joke!)

Dayna Chu said...

mmmm, red wagons...

Kori's House said...

That is awesome!!
I knew there was a reason I am keeping way too much of my kids 'stuff'!!

Dayna Chu said...

Well, I must admit that I did throw out about 2/3 of the suitcase full (sorry mom)... Keep the self initiated stories and drawings... ditch the colouring pages, glue projects, and traced numbers/letters.