Friday, June 13, 2008

other uses for shampoo and lipliner

Caleb and I had a fantastic visit in Mooresville with my sister and her family... Here are some great photos; you can tell who was the "centre of the universe" while we were there, but he returned home surprisingly "unspoiled."

On our way home we had an unexpected overnight hiatus in Dallas. The weather was bad so our flight from Charlotte to Dallas was delayed (and Dallas is *so* on-the-way to Calgary!) and we missed the only connecting flight to Calgary. Karl hooked us up with a quick hotwire hotel near the airport and we had a rather uneventful night... that is except for the lack of luggage. Of course I had a tonne of emergency type equipment for Caleb... change of clothes, extra diapers, lots of wipes, extra food to accommodate 9 hours of delay... hmm, still not enough!

But Caleb is a trooper and ate mushed bananas and carrot baby food (his first time trying it... we all know how the asparagus started, but thankfully this had the same end-result... empty bowl!)

I'm a trooper too, if you qualify a 4-star hotel as roughin' it. I didn't have any make-up though! Okay, I'm no diva, but you have to admit it feels weird not to wear make-up in public when you're used to wearing even a little. It turns out that lipstick and lipliner make great eyeliner and eyeshadow alternatives in a pinch! Ladies, if you're going to try this, ideally go with a different colour than what's on your lips... helps the illusion that you didn't just have all of your luggage checked through to your original destination and that you're making do with one form of make up. Yes. I know. I didn't miss the irony that I did, in fact, have two different colours of lipstick with me. I also used shampoo as a "texturizer" in my hair after I washed and dried it; I just kind of rubbed some on my fingers and twirled it into the tips of my hair. Not quite as successful as the lipliner, but I think it did help a bit. ack... I didn't even have hairspray but wasn't up to buying more at the overpriced convenience store where I found Caleb's carrot baby food.

Here' my little prince in his makeshift crib on the floor at the hotel (now that I think of it, I bet I could have asked for a crib in the room, but I was tired...)

That's all for now folks...

1 comment:

Kori's House said...

It looks like Caleb likes to travel :)

Glad you gals were able to get together, I know for a fact there would have been lots of giggles (Insert - Dayna/Melissa matching giggle)