Friday, December 29, 2006

Turkey and Gravy Soda?!

My sister did all the hard work on this Holiday Album, but I am using the same link anyway since I have all the same photos (Thanks Melissa!).

One of our adventures over the holidays was trying these Jones Soda Holiday Flavours (a "gag gift"... quite literally... from the Forsyths to the Chus):
Antacid, Sweet Potato, Dinner Roll, Pea, and Turkey & Gravy. You know it's bad when you hear, "Hey guys, try this one, it's the best one of them all; it just tastes like medicine!"
Next year maybe we will go with the dessert pack instead:

Flavors: Cherry Pie, Banana Cream Pie, Key Lime Pie, Apple Pie, Blueberry Pie.


Kori's House said...

Next year I might have to get Melissa to send me some so that I can bring it as a gag gift to someone ;)

Keri's Collage... said...

That is so fun!!!!! Good thing there wasn't "Brussel Sprout"!! GACK! ICK!

Dayna Chu said...

Ewww, Brussel Sprout would be disgusting! The funny part was reading the ingredients, most of them the second or third ingredient was SALT! Could you imagine having to be on that taste test team? :P

Dayna Chu said...

Kori, it would be a perfect gift for a certain "Jones" that you know :)