Monday, January 09, 2012

back to blogging?

Pinterest has renewed my passion for blogging. I love networking, creating, communicating, and being resourceful. Facebook replaced my blogging for a couple of years, but Facebook restricts ... well it limits... well, it's just a different platform/medium and it's good for different things.

I've been into baking, but with 4 kids under 5yrs, that hobby presents a few problems, not the least of which being the inability to stop in the middle of any given "project," drop everything, and attend to a crying baby/toddler/preschooler. Not the second least of which being the inability to get out of the house to work off the inevitable pounds that are gained through "quality control."

So I bought a sewing machine.

Thank you Pinterest, for renewing my passion for blogging, providing an amazing centre of resource management, and giving me a potential new audience for blogging about my new hobby! Who knows, maybe next I'll have an etsy store?!


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