Wednesday, May 06, 2009

spring update

You can blame the swine flu... okay okay, blame facebook... I have been updating some photos there and totally abandoning the blog... but I'm back...

Here are some April pics; before that dastardly snow returned to haunt us...
(click for larger image)
Easter Eggs that I dyed; Hawaiian shirt from Grandma Jacquie; the bottom left photo is Caleb's first playdough play time... he loved it! Much to my surprise he didn't even attempt to eat any. yet.

Lately I've been hearing a lot of, "'SIDE, 'SIDE!" from Caleb; he just loves being outside... it won't be long before he's out there along side his daddy grilling the best burgers in the west... mmm... blue cheese and goat cheese burgers; grilled to perfection...

Some outdoor fun with Caleb; playing with bubbles and eating his snack.
The weather changed so quickly from one day to the next in both March and April... those two lumps under the snow are Karl's shoes that he had left out the day before because they had gotten mucky...I know it looks like Caleb is falling out of this chair... actually he's just chillaxin' like his mommy because that's about the only way I'm comfortable these days with this growing belly of mine! It is quite cute to see him imitate how I am sitting... not so cute is the way he grunts and moans and groans when he's sitting down, getting up, or picking things up from the floor!

Last but not least: from just a few hours ago... showing off his new "che" jammies from Amma and Grampa. "Che" is "car" in Cantonese... Karl will teach him "tow truck" soon enough... for now it was super cute to see him look down and point and say with surprise, "Che!"

Coming soon... adventures in potty training, moving to a big boy bed, the saga of the switch to sippy cup... and my official transition to being a mini-van mom!


Kori's House said...

Love your short hair!

Come back to blogland. We miss you :)

Dayna Chu said...


I know; facebook has me hostage...