Friday, December 12, 2008


I know; so little updating... truth be told I've been pretty nauseous lately most of the time and the other half of the time I have been sleeping... my poor house is suffering the punishment of an undecorated tree and killer dust bunnies. Good thing we had company over on Thursday or those dust bunnies just may have taken us hostage.

So, yes, it's true... Caleb's going to be a big brother... maybe for his birthday... my due date is July 26; Caleb's birthday.

Off to watch a movie, but wanted to get this video up... more to blog tomorrow as we will likely be hibernating all weekend with the highs reaching a lofty -27*C (-17*F) feeling like minus a bajillion with the wind chill factored in.

This is dedicated to Auntie Melissa, Uncle Scott, Cousin Joel & Cousin Alisha
"All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth!"
morning beverages of choiceWell; I'm no mennonite girl; but these were really good buns and really easy...
Caleb with a Pomelo helmet on. Karl has a picture of himself like this that I am determined to dig up and post... I need to get him to cooperate first ;o) stay tuned!Enjoying a new snowman blanket from the Forsyths :o) "sof', sof'" (soft) he says.

Couldn't get the video up after all... maybe tomorrow.


Kori's House said...

We forgive you.
Sorry you feel sick and tired. Hopefully the next trimester will be better!!

Love the new pictures. Caleb is sure getting big. Love the missing 'teef' :)

Stacey Sparshu Miller said...

I LOVE the pictures. So cute. Especially love the teeth and the helmet. Too bad there's not a helmet picture featuring the teeth. That would be amazing!

I'm going to go to work tomorrow at the pool and walk around in shorts in an attempt to convince myself that it's not ridiculously cold and snowy outside. Reality might set in eventually but until then...looking forward to your next post!

Anonymous said...

Awww, soooo sweet! Love all the pics, can't wait to see the video. Wish we could be together on Christmas...preferably YOU guys down HERE with that weather you're having! It's supposed to go up to +19*C here on Wednesday, but with it comes some rain. Maybe next year with new baby Chu! :) Miss ya.