Okay, here's a pictorial summary of the last month or so... click to enlarge.

- My Grandma Jacquie (Trent's mom) celebrated her 80th birthday on April 12th. I created a photo book (I have used quite a few programs/services and officially recommend Shutterfly) for her and used this picture on the cover; what a looker eh? She was about 16 here as I recall.
- Karl's delicious corn meal muffins
- our basement as a bit of a work in progress. it is pretty much finished now, with the last 20% taking 80% of the time... there's a principle in there somewhere... just a bit of trim and pantry shelving left... oh and the carpet on the stairs but we're delaying that for a bit. Any advice on berber vs. low pile, etc?
- A delicious salad we made with barbecued flank steak, feta cheese, red pepper, sugar peas, sprouts... mmm it was the perfect summery day for it too; hard to believe the weather that followed for a couple of weeks and wouldn't let up...
- Bit hard to see in this picture, but this was a martha stewart project of mine that involved splitting kinder eggs and using a melon baller to place a little scoop of mango ice cream in the middle. They were "bite sized" desserts for company for easter dinner. A big hit!
- A shot of our fireplace and entertainment "extension" because I don't really know how to decorate it. I sent some photos in to "Steven and Chris" and it's going to be on TV on Friday CBC at 2pm MT... Right around the time we're driving through Moosimin. More on that later...
- Said easter dinner company (Karl's family)
- Biggest Turkey breast ever; left over from said easter dinner. The Turkey was over 20 lbs... we had a lot of company, but we had a LOT of leftovers. mmmm, turkey soup.
- My friend's daughter Chloe, who got a kick out of getting Caleb to sit in her princess chair. She then pushed two chairs together, front to front, and created a "little bed" for him that he laid in. Too cute.
- King-Caleb-Kong; master of his universe. He has this "intellitainer" excersaucer thingy that he was seemingly trying to haul down that day. It has a little bell where his head is that he likes to ring... with his head...
- Caleb cheering for the Flames when they were still in the playoffs
- Please people, I beg you; do not shop at the Superstore (for food). This photo was taken February 19 (expiry date reads: January 29)... it was on the shelf. Don't get me started.
- Pre-kiln piece that I painted for Caleb's room to go with his nursery ("Malawi" theme)... turned out great although I wanted to do a light switch plate. They didn't have any... Next time!
- Karl & Me & Caleb at Jacquie's 80th
- Two pics of itty bitty Caleb... he's only 9 months old now but it's already hard to remember that he was that tiny.
And that's your mega-blog update... probably for another 3 weeks! We head out to Manitoba next week (are we crazy going on a road trip with a 9mos-old baby?) Then three weeks later, Caleb and I head to NC to see the Forsyths :) Have you ever tried to get a passport for a baby? Whew, whole other blog post.
Okay, one last thing... I just have to link this blog for any of you who have ever been stuck with any rendition of "Our God is and Awesome God" being lead by a worship leader who was stuck on repeat... or looking to get a kick out of any irreverent jab at most things Christian... If you have spent more than a few years in church in your lifetime, and probably even if you haven't... you'll relate: Stuff Christians Like