Saturday, July 21, 2007

Malt Beverage

Dayna and I went to the Calgary Co-op to pick up some grocery this afternoon. I saw this "Malta" drink and decided to give it a try... and now I can claim that I have given it a try...

It tastes like watered-down carbonated molasses with a slightly bitter Milo aftertaste. It is not that bad, but I had it with my supper. So in contrast with the mandarin chicken salad, the bitterness was very pronounced.

It is now about ten minutes after supper and I am just finishing the last bit of it. It is a bit more enjoyable but I probably won't have it again. Nevertheless, it was definitely a worthwhile adventure for the day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Was this a nonalcoholic beer? I can't imagine what it would taste like!