I can hardly believe that it's been nearly a month since I blogged last. Karl has broken a record... two consecutive posts before I got back to it! I'm not even sure where to start; it's been a jam packed month, but full of all those "that's-what-summer-is-for" happenings. I bet pictures is the best place to start:
Forsyth's June visit: Zoo Trip

Forsyth's June visit: the guys took the kids to Science World so that my mom and Melissa and I could go do a birthday/girls' day. We had an awesome lunch at the
Brava Bistro, and Melissa and I each got some cute 'birthday money' outfits. Mom was the fashion consultant ... and financier :)

My 31st birthday was on 07/07/07... crazy eh? Maybe I am extra lucky now? Too late; I already feel like the "luckiest" gal around :) great friends, great family, great husband, great baby on the way... and how about that Skor bar blizzard DQ ice cream cake?! YUM.

I am done my CCUFairs position and spent last week hiring
my replacement (she's fabulous); Karl assembled an armoire in our living room so that we can have a more accessible computer; my office is in the basement, and I was in the habit of using the laptop in the kitchen... but the laptop is not mine, and went to its new home with Julie :(
Next on the furniture assembly priority list: our new crib and baby-change-table-dresser! Maybe when the weather cools off a bit (they're upstairs and boy has it been toasty warm in these here parts!).

And last but not least in my summary of what feels like the busiest month ever (I didn't even get started on my uncle's wedding, and can you believe I missed pictures of the chocolate fondue and finger nail painting with my cousins (13 and 17 years old)?...
Tonight's Dinner: mmmmandarine chicken salad with cashews and pea pods and perfectly grilled-by-Karl chicken

It won't be as long of a break until next blog... I am working a couple of weeks full time at my church, then I am officially off on maternity leave. If baby waits long enough, I will have nearly a month off before he comes. All is going well with Baby Chu by the way! Six more weeks (sigh!). We had our first prenatal class on Thursday and that was already good for some laughs.
My Mom and Trent head off to Vegas in a couple of weeks; I am not jealous of the heat they will have there, but I am definitely jealous of their tickets to the
Blue Man Group and
Cirque du Soleil's "O".
I think I hear some left-over DQ ice cream cake calling my name... :)