July 18, 2009
7 lb 3 oz, 20.8 inches
7 lb 3 oz, 20.8 inches
Pretty long handle for a bitty baby girl that we call "Aly" ...
We're still figuring out which end is up, so not really uploading albums etc yet... but here are some pics and name info:
"Alana" is in honour of Karl's brother, Alan...
"Larissa" is in honour of my mother, Linda [L], and my step-mother, Mary [ar], and my sister, Melissa [issa];
Choi-Tung [pronounced kind of like Choy-Tone] translates: Choi: "colourful"; Tung: "light at dawn"... I will have the chinese characters up soon.
Update... 彩瞳
♥ ♡ ❤ εїз